Chhoti Si Aisha

❤️ The more you give, the more you have ❤️

Have you ever stopped and thought how it was that you got to this extraordinary time in history and not in another? Why was it that you were blessed to live in the incredible world that we have created up to this point? Of course, the world is by no means perfect, but do the bad things outweigh the good things?

I would argue that there are so many more reasons to be happy than there to be sad.

We are small, yes; but to say that because we are small therefore don’t matter in the grand scheme of earth is simply incorrect. We may be small, but we can have an incredible impact on the earth or even the history. We may be small, but we are currently in complete control of right now at this moment. We are currently in control of our present moment and therefore we can control the future. Let’s learn to live a life that allows us to pass on a legacy to this world and giving a greater impact to history. To me, this means living humble, being kind, and giving. It is the right thing to do — but this can actually help you get ahead in life.

Generosity is voluntary, unselfish giving of time, money, attention, or other resources; generous people are especially willing to share their resources with others. Although a generous gift can benefit the giver, it’s mainly intended to benefit the recipient, and there isn’t necessarily any expectation of a return.

There are seven forms of generosity: Thoughts, words, money, time, things, influence, and attention. The 5 Qualities of Generous People : Altruism, Optimism, Trust, Energetic, Ability to lead. The Core Value of Generosity says, “We intentionally give of our time, treasure and talents so that other’s lives can be enriched”.

Both are admirable qualities, but they aren’t exactly the same thing. Kindness can be defined as being gentle, sympathetic, and helpful. Generosity, on the other hand, is about giving more than is necessary. It’s about going above and beyond what’s asked or expected.

Being humble means you do things out of the kindness of your heart, without the expectation of anything in return; even gratitude. 

The simplest acts of kindness are far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in a prayer — Mahatma Gandhi

A fascinating feature of kindness is that it appears to be contagious. Simply put, when we ourselves perform an act of kindness, this is likely to encourage other to act in a similar way. When we are kind, we help make our world a kinder place to live in — because seeing someone else help another person produced good feelings, which subsequently caused them to reach out and do something kind themselves.

Giving is not a zero sum game

The more you give the more you have

Giving is being generous.